
"Mindfulness in Texas Nature" (Texas A&M University Press, 2024)

Part One describes mindfulness and how it is done, and it reviews what we know about the benefits of spending time in nature. I describe the ecoregions of Texas such as the Plains, Piney Woods, Edwards Plateau, and other regions. Then there is a chapter covering practical issues in preparing to visit one of these places.

In Part Two, readers lace up their hiking boots for visits to places like Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge in the west Texas plains and the Big Thicket National Preserve deep in the forests and wetlands of southeast Texas. 

Meghan Cassidy’s photographs are essential for communicating just how awe-inspiring these places are, from the small and fascinating things to large landscapes. Together, the text and photos will leave readers drifting peacefully among trees reflected in water and invigorated by a winter walk in the prairie. 

Part 1: Restoring a Connection with Nature

Part 2: In the Field, Through the Seasons

Epilogue: The Trout Lilies

The book I wrote for young people (and adults), published 2020

The Wild Lives of Reptiles & Amphibians: A Young Herpetologist's Guide (Texas A&M University Press)

This one introduces young readers (and adults, too) to the natural history of reptiles and amphibians by telling the stories of various kinds of herps in the United States. Within those stories, readers learn how they hunt, move, defend themselves, find mates, and adapt to the places in which they live. There are chapters about how to get out in the field and look for them and how to stay safe. I discuss conservation issues, too. Available from your favorite bookseller, local or online. 

The book I co-authored with Clint King, published 2018

Herping Texas: The Quest for Reptiles & Amphibians (Texas A&M University Press)

We describe our travels to the different ecoregions of Texas, finding and photographing many of the state's herp species and getting to know the refuges, wildlife management areas, parks, ranchland, and other places where they live. It's available from your favorite bookseller, local or online.